sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010




The sun is a star. It is the closest star to the earth. The sun is shaped like a ball. It is not a solid ball. The sun is a ball of glowing gases.


1.How far from The Earth is The Sun?

2.Is The Earth a star or a planet?

3.How many planets move around The Sun?

4.What moves in an orbit around The Earth?

5.Why do stars seem so small?

6.What does Earth mean in astronomy?

7.How many moons does the earth have? What´s its name?

8.How many planets are there in The Solar System? Which are they?


Discuss all together in your class, why the stars look so small in the sky. Also talk about the moons each planet has around.


Information about The Sun and the planets
Learn about space exploration
Make a solar system
Vocabulary(find the hidden words)
Vocabulary(decode each word) 
Match a word with its definition
Evaluation (answer the following questions)

domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010

miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

My alter ego

I don´t need to know anything about new technologies because I can do whatever I want just by thinking. My mind is powerful(It´s just the opposite).

martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

Me as a teacher

I´d like to have a happy smile like these pupils have in front of the computer and I would also like to see my own pupils enjoying my lessons. It would be great for their motivation.

I have used new technologies to prepare my lessons,  find information, send e-mails and so on. But what I would really like is to use new technologies for my lessons every day and at any moment. I´d like to be able to use all kind of programmes, devises... I want to go ahead to my students (how difficult!).